
The Django Debug Toolbar ships with a series of built-in panels. In addition, several third-party panels are available.

Default built-in panels

The following panels are enabled by default.


class debug_toolbar.panels.history.HistoryPanel

This panel shows the history of requests made and allows switching to a past snapshot of the toolbar to view that request’s stats.


If RENDER_PANELS configuration option is set to True or if the server runs with multiple processes, the History Panel will be disabled.


class debug_toolbar.panels.versions.VersionsPanel

Shows versions of Python, Django, and installed apps if possible.


class debug_toolbar.panels.timer.TimerPanel

Request timer.


class debug_toolbar.panels.settings.SettingsPanel

A list of settings in


class debug_toolbar.panels.headers.HeadersPanel

This panels shows the HTTP request and response headers, as well as a selection of values from the WSGI environment.

Note that headers set by middleware placed before the debug toolbar middleware in MIDDLEWARE won’t be visible in the panel. The WSGI server itself may also add response headers such as Date and Server.


class debug_toolbar.panels.request.RequestPanel

GET/POST/cookie/session variable display.


class debug_toolbar.panels.sql.SQLPanel

SQL queries including time to execute and links to EXPLAIN each query.


class debug_toolbar.panels.templates.TemplatesPanel

Templates and context used, and their template paths.

Static files

class debug_toolbar.panels.staticfiles.StaticFilesPanel

Used static files and their locations (via the staticfiles finders).


class debug_toolbar.panels.cache.CachePanel

Cache queries. Is incompatible with Django’s per-site caching.


class debug_toolbar.panels.signals.SignalsPanel

List of signals and receivers.


class debug_toolbar.panels.redirects.RedirectsPanel

When this panel is enabled, the debug toolbar will show an intermediate page upon redirect so you can view any debug information prior to redirecting. This page will provide a link to the redirect destination you can follow when ready.

Since this behavior is annoying when you aren’t debugging a redirect, this panel is included but inactive by default. You can activate it by default with the DISABLE_PANELS configuration option.


class debug_toolbar.panels.profiling.ProfilingPanel

Profiling information for the processing of the request.

This panel is included but inactive by default. You can activate it by default with the DISABLE_PANELS configuration option.

The panel will include all function calls made by your project if you’re using the setting settings.BASE_DIR to point to your project’s root directory. If a function is in a file within that directory and does not include "/site-packages/" or "/dist-packages/" in the path, it will be included.

Third-party panels


Third-party panels aren’t officially supported!

The authors of the Django Debug Toolbar maintain a list of third-party panels, but they can’t vouch for the quality of each of them. Please report bugs to their authors.

If you’d like to add a panel to this list, please submit a pull request!

Flame Graphs


Path: pyflame.djdt.panel.FlamegraphPanel

Displays a flame graph for visualizing the performance profile of the request, using Brendan Gregg’s script to perform the heavy lifting.

LDAP Tracing


Path: windows_auth.panels.LDAPPanel

LDAP Operations performed during the request, including timing, request and response messages, the entries received, write changes list, stack-tracing and error debugging. This panel also shows connection usage metrics when it is collected. Check out the docs.

Line Profiler


Path: debug_toolbar_line_profiler.panel.ProfilingPanel

This package provides a profiling panel that incorporates output from line_profiler.



Path: mail_panel.panels.MailToolbarPanel

This panel captures and displays emails sent from your application.



Path: memcache_toolbar.panels.memcache.MemcachePanel or memcache_toolbar.panels.pylibmc.PylibmcPanel

This panel tracks memcached usage. It currently supports both the pylibmc and memcache libraries.



Path: debug_toolbar_mongo.panel.MongoDebugPanel

Adds MongoDB debugging information.

MrBenn Toolbar Plugin


Path: mrbenn_panel.panel.MrBennPanel

Allows you to quickly open template files and views directly in your IDE! In addition to the path above, you need to add mrbenn_panel in INSTALLED_APPS



Path: neo4j_panel.Neo4jPanel

Trace neo4j rest API calls in your Django application, this also works for neo4django and neo4jrestclient, support for py2neo is on its way.



Path: pympler.panels.MemoryPanel

Shows process memory information (virtual size, resident set size) and model instances for the current request.

Request History


Path: ddt_request_history.panels.request_history.RequestHistoryPanel

Switch between requests to view their stats. Also adds support for viewing stats for AJAX requests.



Path: requests_panel.panel.RequestsDebugPanel

Lists HTTP requests made with the popular requests library.

Template Profiler


Path: template_profiler_panel.panels.template.TemplateProfilerPanel

Shows template render call duration and distribution on the timeline. Lightweight. Compatible with WSGI servers which reuse threads for multiple requests (Werkzeug).

Template Timings


Path: template_timings_panel.panels.TemplateTimings.TemplateTimings

Displays template rendering times for your Django application.

VCS Info


Path: vcs_info_panel.panels.GitInfoPanel

Displays VCS status (revision, branch, latest commit log and more) of your Django application.

uWSGI Stats


Path: django_uwsgi.panels.UwsgiPanel

Displays uWSGI stats (workers, applications, spooler jobs and more).

API for third-party panels

Third-party panels must subclass Panel, according to the public API described below. Unless noted otherwise, all methods are optional.

Panels can ship their own templates, static files and views.

Any views defined for the third-party panel use the following decorators:

  • debug_toolbar.decorators.require_show_toolbar - Prevents unauthorized access to the view.

  • debug_toolbar.decorators.render_with_toolbar_language - Supports internationalization for any content rendered by the view. This will render the response with the TOOLBAR_LANGUAGE rather than LANGUAGE_CODE.

There is no public CSS API at this time.

class debug_toolbar.panels.Panel(toolbar, get_response)

Base class for panels.


Title shown in the side bar. Defaults to title.


Subtitle shown in the side bar. Defaults to the empty string.


True if the panel can be displayed in full screen, False if it’s only shown in the side bar. Defaults to True.


Title shown in the panel when it’s displayed in full screen.

Mandatory, unless the panel sets has_content to False.


Template used to render content.

Mandatory, unless the panel sets has_content to False or overrides content.


Content of the panel when it’s displayed in full screen.

By default this renders the template defined by template. Statistics stored with record_stats() are available in the template’s context.


Scripts used by the HTML content of the panel when it’s displayed.

When a panel is rendered on the frontend, the djdt.panel.render JavaScript event will be dispatched. The scripts can listen for this event to support dynamic functionality.

classmethod ready()

Perform early initialization for the panel.

This should only include initialization or instrumentation that needs to be done unconditionally for the panel regardless of whether it is enabled for a particular request. It should be idempotent.

classmethod get_urls()

Return URLpatterns, if the panel has its own views.


Enable instrumentation to gather data for this panel.

This usually means monkey-patching (!) or registering signal receivers. Any instrumentation with a non-negligible effect on performance should be installed by this method rather than at import time.

Unless the toolbar or this panel is disabled, this method will be called early in DebugToolbarMiddleware. It should be idempotent.


Disable instrumentation to gather data for this panel.

This is the opposite of enable_instrumentation().

Unless the toolbar or this panel is disabled, this method will be called late in the middleware. It should be idempotent.


Store data gathered by the panel. stats is a dict.

Each call to record_stats updates the statistics dictionary.


Access data stored by the panel. Returns a dict.


Like __call__ in Django’s middleware.

Write panel logic related to the request there. Save data with record_stats().

Return the existing response or overwrite it.

generate_server_timing(request, response)

Similar to generate_stats,

Generate stats for Server Timing

Does not return a value.

generate_stats(request, response)

Write panel logic related to the response there. Post-process data gathered while the view executed. Save data with record_stats().

Called after process_request.

Does not return a value.


Get headers the panel needs to set.

Called after process_request and process_request

Header values will be appended if multiple panels need to set it.

By default it sets the Server-Timing header.

Return dict of headers to be appended.

classmethod run_checks()

Check that the integration is configured correctly for the panel.

This will be called as a part of the Django checks system when the application is being setup.

Return a list of django.core.checks.CheckMessage instances.

JavaScript API

Panel templates should include any JavaScript files they need. There are a few common methods available.


Closes the topmost level (window/panel/toolbar)


This is a helper function to fetch values stored in the cookies.

  • key – The key for the value to be fetched.

djdt.cookie.set(key, value, options)

This is a helper function to set a value stored in the cookies.

  • key – The key to be used.

  • value – The value to be set.

  • options – The options for the value to be set. It should contain the properties expires and path. The properties domain, secure and samesite are also supported. samesite defaults to lax if not provided.


Closes any panels and hides the toolbar.


Shows the toolbar. This can be used to re-render the toolbar when reloading the entire DOM. For example, then using HTMX’s boosting.



This is an event raised when a panel is rendered. It has the property detail.panelId which identifies which panel has been loaded. This event can be useful when creating custom scripts to process the HTML further.

An example of this for the CustomPanel would be:

import { $$ } from "./utils.js";
function addCustomMetrics() {
    // Logic to process/add custom metrics here.

    // Be sure to cover the case of this function being called twice
    // due to file being loaded asynchronously.
const djDebug = document.getElementById("djDebug");
$$.onPanelRender(djDebug, "CustomPanel", addCustomMetrics);
// Since a panel's scripts are loaded asynchronously, it's possible that
// the above statement would occur after the djdt.panel.render event has
// been raised. To account for that, the rendering function should be
// called here as well.