

This is a Jazzband project. By contributing you agree to abide by the Contributor Code of Conduct and follow the guidelines.

Bug reports and feature requests

You can report bugs and request features in the bug tracker.

Please search the existing database for duplicates before filing an issue.


The code is available on GitHub. Unfortunately, the repository contains old and flawed objects, so if you have set fetch.fsckObjects you’ll have to deactivate it for this repository:

git clone --config fetch.fsckobjects=false

Once you’ve obtained a checkout, you should create a virtualenv and install the libraries required for working on the Debug Toolbar:

$ python -m pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

You can run now run the example application:

$ DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=example.settings python -m django migrate
$ DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=example.settings python -m django runserver

For convenience, there’s an alias for the second command:

$ make example

Look at example/ for running the example with another database than SQLite.


There is high-level information on how the Django Debug Toolbar is structured in the architecture documentation.


Once you’ve set up a development environment as explained above, you can run the test suite for the versions of Django and Python installed in that environment using the SQLite database:

$ make test

You can enable coverage measurement during tests:

$ make coverage

You can also run the test suite on all supported versions of Django and Python:

$ tox

This is strongly recommended before committing changes to Python code.

The test suite includes frontend tests written with Selenium. Since they’re annoyingly slow, they’re disabled by default. You can run them as follows:

$ make test_selenium

or by setting the DJANGO_SELENIUM_TESTS environment variable:

$ DJANGO_SELENIUM_TESTS=true make test
$ DJANGO_SELENIUM_TESTS=true make coverage

Note that by default, tox enables the Selenium tests for a single test environment. To run the entire tox test suite with all Selenium tests disabled, run the following:


To test via tox against other databases, you’ll need to create the user, database and assign the proper permissions. For PostgreSQL in a psql shell (note this allows the debug_toolbar user the permission to create databases):

psql> CREATE USER debug_toolbar WITH PASSWORD 'debug_toolbar';
psql> ALTER USER debug_toolbar CREATEDB;
psql> CREATE DATABASE debug_toolbar;
psql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE debug_toolbar to debug_toolbar;

For MySQL/MariaDB in a mysql shell:

mysql> CREATE DATABASE debug_toolbar;
mysql> CREATE USER 'debug_toolbar'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'debug_toolbar';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON debug_toolbar.* TO 'debug_toolbar'@'localhost';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_debug_toolbar.* TO 'debug_toolbar'@'localhost';


The Django Debug Toolbar uses black to format code and additionally uses ruff. The toolbar uses pre-commit to automatically apply our style guidelines when a commit is made. Set up pre-commit before committing with:

$ pre-commit install

If necessary you can bypass pre-commit locally with:

$ git commit --no-verify

Note that it runs on CI.

To reformat the code manually use:

$ pre-commit run --all-files


Please submit pull requests!

The Debug Toolbar includes a limited but growing test suite. If you fix a bug or add a feature code, please consider adding proper coverage in the test suite, especially if it has a chance for a regression.


Translation efforts are coordinated on Transifex.

Help translate the Debug Toolbar in your language!

Mailing list

This project doesn’t have a mailing list at this time. If you wish to discuss a topic, please open an issue on GitHub.

Making a release

Prior to a release, the English .po file must be updated with make translatable_strings and pushed to Transifex. Once translators have done their job, .po files must be downloaded with make update_translations.

To publish a release you have to be a django-debug-toolbar project lead at Jazzband.

The release itself requires the following steps:

  1. Update supported Python and Django versions:

    • pyproject.toml options requires-python, dependencies, and classifiers

    • README.rst


  2. Update the screenshot in README.rst.

    $ make example/django-debug-toolbar.png


  3. Bump version numbers in docs/changes.rst, docs/, README.rst, and debug_toolbar/ Add the release date to docs/changes.rst. Commit.

  4. Tag the new version.

  5. Push the commit and the tag.

  6. Publish the release from the Jazzband website.

  7. Change the default version of the docs to point to the latest release: