
The Django Debug Toolbar is designed to be flexible and extensible for developers and third-party panel creators.

Core Components

While there are several components, the majority of logic and complexity lives within the following:

  • debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware

  • debug_toolbar.toolbar.DebugToolbar

  • debug_toolbar.panels


The middleware is how the toolbar integrates with Django projects. It determines if the toolbar should instrument the request, which panels to use, facilitates the processing of the request and augmenting the response with the toolbar. Most logic for how the toolbar interacts with the user’s Django project belongs here.


The DebugToolbar class orchestrates the processing of a request for each of the panels. It contains the logic that needs to be aware of all the panels, but doesn’t need to interact with the user’s Django project.


The majority of the complex logic lives within the panels themselves. This is because the panels are responsible for collecting the various metrics. Some of the metrics are collected via monkey-patching, such as TemplatesPanel. Others, such as SettingsPanel don’t need to collect anything and include the data directly in the response.

Some panels such as SQLPanel have additional functionality. This tends to involve a user clicking on something, and the toolbar presenting a new page with additional data. That additional data is handled in views defined in the panels package (for example, debug_toolbar.panels.sql.views).

Logic Flow

When a request comes in, the toolbar first interacts with it in the middleware. If the middleware determines the request should be instrumented, it will instantiate the toolbar and pass the request for processing. The toolbar will use the enabled panels to collect information on the request and/or response. When the toolbar has completed collecting its metrics on both the request and response, the middleware will collect the results from the toolbar. It will inject the HTML and JavaScript to render the toolbar as well as any headers into the response.

After the browser renders the panel and the user interacts with it, the toolbar’s JavaScript will send requests to the server. If the view handling the request needs to fetch data from the toolbar, the request must supply the store ID. This is so that the toolbar can load the collected metrics for that particular request.

The history panel allows a user to view the metrics for any request since the application was started. The toolbar maintains its state entirely in memory for the process running runserver. If the application is restarted the toolbar will lose its state.

Problematic Parts

  • debug.panels.templates.panel: This monkey-patches template rendering when the panel module is loaded

  • debug.panels.sql: This package is particularly complex, but provides the main benefit of the toolbar

  • Support for async and multi-threading: This is currently unsupported, but is being implemented as per the Async compatible toolbar project.